Plain Tracker

Timesheet plugin for WordPress

Download time records Pro

This feauture is available in Plain Tracker Pro.

The download module lets you download the list of time records as a CSV file. You can later use this file for backup or archiving purposes, or further process it with office spreadsheet software like MS Excel, LibreOffice, Google Sheets, and others.

To download the list of time records, go to Plain Tracker > My workers' time records or Plain Tracker > My time records.

Adjust the filtering options according to your requirements. You will see the list of time cards matching your selected options. Below the filter configuration form you will see the Download button.

Click the download button to get the CSV file with time cards.
Click the download button to get the CSV file with time cards.

You will get the CSV file with the thorough information of your time cards. This file will contain the following columns:

  1. date
  2. duration
  3. activityId
  4. activityName
  5. projectId
  6. projectName
  7. workerId
  8. workerName
  9. stateId

The downloaded file will be conveniently named like timerecords-StartDate-EndDate.csv, for example timerecords-20240609-20240616.csv. If you filter the list of time cards by activity or worker, the file name will also contain the filtering option, for example timerecords-worker123-20240609-20240616.csv. This can help you know the content of the file by its name.

About Plain Tracker

Lightweight, easy-to-use yet very flexible WordPress timesheet plugin to help you track, record and analyze time of your workers anywhere at anytime online from your own website with no monthly fees. Get started with the free Plain Tracker version and enjoy the beautiful add-ons of Plain Tracker Pro.


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