List time records
You can quickly review your current time records (or time cards in other words) of your workers and projects. With our extensive filtering and grouping options, we can quickly find a time record that you are interested in.
Go to Plain Tracker > Manage Time > Time Records
You will see the main navigation control. Simply choose the start date of the range and the range duration.
With the navigation buttons you can jump to the next or to the previous periods. For example, next month or previous week.
For your convenience you can group the timesheet records by worker, activity, project or date.
For example, please see below the list of time records grouped by worker.
The same time record list now grouped by project.
And the same list of time records now grouped by activity (Consulting and Installation).
In the list of time records certainly there's the link to edit each individual time record. Also there are quick links to detailed information screens of activity, project and worker of the time card.
There is an option to download the time records that are currently displayed.
You will get a CSV file with full information about the time records, such as date, duration, activityId, activityName, projectId, projectName, workerId, workerName, stateId. You can open up this file in Excel, LibreOffice or any other office suite and use it for further processing and reporting.